Grant Information


Welcome to the Impact 100 Men of Palm Beach County Grant information page. We are currently in the 2022 grant cycle year which commences on January 7, 2022 with the opening of the Letter of Intent (LOI). The process ends on June 22, 2022 with the announcement of the recipient of the $50,000 award for this year at the Annual Meeting. Below is valuable information for you if you are considering applying for the grant


Click on the Grant Workshop Video Button to learn more about the Impact 100 Men 2022 grant cycle timeline and how to access the online system to create an application submission for review by our grant committee . Be patient! This is an unedited live recording of the workshop from January 4, 2022. The first few minutes of the video are a role call. We assure you, if you watch the video, it will give an applicant all the information they need to get started!

Create an account or sign into your existing account by clicking on the Grant Application Button to start the application process. You will receive instructions once you have entered the CFPBMC online grant interface as to how to proceed. The process commences with an eligibility quiz. This allows you to determine whether you are eligible for the Impact 100 Men PBC grant. If you pass the test, you will be able to proceed on to the Letter of Intent (LOI) phase.